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FAQ & Troubleshooting


·   MILK

Anchor 1

Milk is not heated during the frothing.


There are two frothing modes available on Seven&me coffee maker: hot and room temperature (frothing without heating). If you double click ON/OFF button the       device enters room temperature mode and frothes the milk without heating.         Follow the instructions from the video for the hot froth mode:


In case the issue persists, please contact us at



The milk is not hot enough/warm/lukewarm after frothing. 


The temperature of milk froth is set to be within 55-65 °C (130-150 °F) and as long    as it is within this range the device functions normally. However, the temperature    of the froth will be influenced by the factors such as milk temperature                       (refrigerated, room temperature, warm) and an amount of milk used. We do not     recommend using more than 350 ml of milk each time, and, of course, there will      be a slight difference in a couple of degrees if 200 and 300 ml of milk are used.



The milk does not foam up during frothing.


If the frothing function works normally on your device (the frothing disks spins and the milk is heated properly) then there is quick fix to this problem: change the milk brand.


The high fat and protein content of the milk are crucial for the frothing, however some whole milk brands still may not foam up during the frothing. In our experience, UHT whole milk foams better during the frothing (Nestle, Devondale). If you prefer the fresh milk, check what milk brands are used at the local coffee shops and try those at home with your device.


If you prefer non-dairy options, make sure you use a froth-friendly plant milk (Oatly Barista Edition oat milk; Milklab soy milk). Please be advised that unless the plant milk is marketed as froth-friendly, there is no guarantee that it will foam up during the frothing.



Almond, oat, soy etc non-dairy milk does not foam up during frothing.


Make sure you use a froth-friendly plant milk (Oatly Barista Edition oat milk; Milklab soy milk). Please be advised that unless the plant milk is marketed as froth-friendly, there is no guarantee that it will foam up during the frothing. 






Anchor 2

Coffee flavor is too weak/tastes burnt.


This is likely to be the coffee blend issue. Change the coffee blend and try again.



The coffee stays in the moka pot bottom / does not come up.


There could be several reasons causing this to happen. Troubleshoot this issue here first: If there is still no improvement, please contact our customer care service




Moka pot safety valve leaks water during brewing process. 


Check if the capsule bottom seal is completely removed/funnel is not clogged. Make sure the water is filled just below the fill line. You can also troubleshoot the issue here: If there is still no improvement, please contact our customer care service



I do not know how to clean the moka pot.


 Please click here to check the step-by-step instructions and video. Find the central pipe and weight cleaning instruction here.




How often do I need to replace the gasket and filter?


Replace the gasket and filter as soon as there are deformation signs. We recommend replacing the gasket and filter every 6 months..



Anchor 3


There is a burning smell coming from the device.


A slight burning smell coming from the new coffee maker base during the first couple of usages is normal. It will disappear after the device is used 2-3 times. However, if your device is not new, the burning smell could be caused by the milk, coffee or other residue on the heating plates. If there are any residue on the heating plates, plug out the device and use a damp cloth to wipe them clean.



The device malfunctions (none of the buttons work / it flashes for 3 times and shuts down).


This could be cause by overheating, if the device is continuously used for several times in a row or the environment temperature is too high causing the device to shut down due to overheating. If that’s the case, let the device cool down for 5-10 minutes before trying again.


Please also make sure the moka pot and milk frother are placed correctly on the corresponding places on the heating plate. In case the coffee maker base still malfunctions, please contact us at your earliest convenience:

Anchor 4


Anchor 5

Where can I get an update on my Indiegogo order?


Unfortunately, we are not able to update you on the order or tracking number information since our campaign is managed by the agency and we do not have direct access to the crowdfunding data. Please contact the campaign page for the update


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